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Old 05-03-2017, 12:46 PM
Grizzler Grizzler is offline

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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Upstate New York
Posts: 215
Default [LFG] Returning 54 Cleric for static

So I have a 54 cleric that I haven't played in awhile. Was finding it hard to find groups to finish him off. I'm hoping there are some other lvl ~50's that would be interested in possibly starting a static group. Like 2-3 nights per week to lvl up.

Completely open to days even with summer coming up. Open to all areas but would like to do some Velious zones at some point since I never played during that era and not really familiar with locations. Will be something that would have to be coordinated but if anyone is interested, post below and see if we can get a group going.

Time: EST 8/9PM - 12AM
IGN: Grizzler
Server: Blue
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