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Old 07-14-2017, 02:38 PM
Aalderon Crystafire Aalderon Crystafire is offline

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Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If it was a mistake the devs made sure, but in almost every other case if a bug was there in classic, the P99 team keeps it. That's how P99 works: it's about re-creating the past, not "fixing" it.

IMHO the "nerf" wasn't just because the quest was popular, it was because one of two things happened. Either:
  • when they first coded the quest they screwed up and made the quest give too much XP (more than live did), like they did with gnoll fangs or WL giants faction. This sort of thing is bound to happen given the fractured Wayback machine info they're using, and the supposed "nerf" wasn't a nerf at all, just them fixing a mistake to make things more classic
  • it had do with the player fights: the one time staff seems willing to make an exception to the "keep it classic" rule is when keeping it classic would make life difficult for the staff (eg. the un-classic "AoEs only hit 25 mobs at once" change)

So maybe they did it to fix a mistake, or maybe they did it to save staff sanity, but I highly doubt it was just because it was popular. There are far too many examples of popular "wrong but classic" things like item recharging in the game that would have been removed if the staff only cared about nerfing what's popular.
The Both the pre-nerf XP and the nerf are classic. The research we did before it was implemented showed that it was meant to give the whopping XP and was nerfed in the July 24th patch. The sudden explosion of people doing it here served as a reminder that the nerf was overdue.

I don't recall seeing posts or threads where people were dragging Jarlen Meadowgreen to the zoneline and snaring him, however. Not that it wouldn't have been possible... but Verant/SOE likely would've done something about it even sooner.

From June to July of 2001 (pre-nerf) the quest should give ~half a yellow per turn in at level 12. Was it giving much more than this?