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Old 08-15-2017, 01:56 PM
Zorrok Zorrok is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: golden buckle of the bible belt
Posts: 84
Default iksar monk

my main is a lvl 40 iksar monk hit me up for pro tips.


there is a spider cave in Fob lvl 3-4ish with a named mob drops crappy newb gear buts fun fob experience, also named i have killed a dozen times Carrion Queen likes to hang out between ruins and road at bottom of hill from Cabillis she is a hard lvl 8 i think,

lvl 10 Kurns like everyone said.. but lvl 19 when u get FD hits up kurns yard trash.. start picking fights.. pull wolfs into burynia or marauders and let them fight to the death and then finish off the survivor./.

fd non stop until u arnt failing and hit me up when ur 20-22? and ill see if we cant run you through Dal'Nir for some crescent armor. im still rocking my set at 40 and its not bad

and Monk is a great solo class, i basically hang out in zones with easy blues i can fight on 50% health than bandage between fights and go again. -(cheap mans fungi tunic)

also you can FD/AFK - go do house chores. come back full health with mend up

but best exp is a dou with necro or dou with shaman.

... Good Luck! and i also usually keep some some decent weapons in bank for new players. nothing like a decent weapon to change low lvl game play/.

(dont forget to keep 1hb,h2h, and 2hb up)
and bind forage and sense heading to your strafe keys
and Medicine bags sold by female vendor upstairs in FoB weigh alot less than rhino hide bags..

--- but i would leave kunark at lvl 24+ visit EC tunnel sell ur bone chips and whathave you as mentioned but also camp Shralok in Kirchicor forest .. and do the hole high keep thing.. there is a bank in zone which if faction is up and u can sneak/ fd use i think

Crystal caverns in velious (lvl 34?)was good for that same reason bank on bottom floor. and group members always got a kick when they were invising and levitating to float down I would just jump down and FD when i landed.. lol

but stay in kunark if u want.. its possible. (sow potions easly bought in EC save alot of time running through some of those big kunark zones though.. LoIO, Fm, OT, DL

good luck!
and have fun!
most peeps on p99 blue are real generous and kind!
only ran into one guy who had a stick up his butt. but he was a necro... and might have just been role playing... but idk....