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Old 12-07-2017, 04:06 AM
remen remen is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 2,525

they're saying outsourcing the trash clear to pubbies under the guise of charity is dishonest as heck
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. The people whom you are accusing of "outsourcing" are going to be there themselves running the entire thing and doing the vast majority of the work. I just hope that despite a lot of the negativity that has been put forth in this thread, it is also put out there that a lot of people on this server appreciate the effort put in by others to create open type raid scenarios that allow players to see content and loot they otherwise would not. I know I am thankful for those who organize and run all the open raids we have seen over the past year.

I don't understand why people are so discouraging of this event outside of being angry that they were told "no, you cannot roll on the Tunare loot that you have done basically nothing to earn, while members of the guild have put in countless hours gearing toons, organizing large groups of people, and perfecting strategies to get to the point that they are at now where they can down Tunare". The sense of entitlement amongst some people here is unreal.