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Old 12-20-2017, 06:15 PM
xrend xrend is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 25

Alright sincerely this has gotten way out of hand.

I did not mean to train you. I must have picked up aggro from the lguk ZL somewhere along the way out of the zone. I stop and buff noobs all the time with C or Augment, most of the time they are super appreciative. I've even been known to sit in FoB or EC Tunnel for like an hour just buffing people when I'm bored.

So anyways...

I stopped and casted C and a Rune on you (which costs 1p btw) to try and help out a fellow low level enchanter. Then I sat down to mem my Brilliance spell to help with your mana pool and was hit by a Frog... thought maybe one was up behind me no big deal. Then I turn around and there were a good 10. At that point I could have just run off and left you to die, but I mezz locked them for you so you could escape.

I'm sorry that you died, and I'm sorry that I couldn't sit there and have a full blown conversation with you while trying to keep 10-15 mobs mezzed stating my intentions and describing in full detail the situation in which we found ourselves, and I'm sorry that the only thing i could think to say that reflected urgency (because I was LOM) was 'gtfo'. But you stood there and stared at me and eventually I did run OOM and had to zone it. Then you proceeded to send me nasty messages afterwards threatening to make this post and get me banned until I had to /ignore you because you wouldn't shut up about it...

I clearly tried to buff you, then save you... and you stood there, then blamed me because you stood there.

I'm not sure what else I could have done in that situation. And before you say "you should have killed the 10-15 mobs"... you're an enchanter... with what? My Rod of Insidious Glamour? Gravity Flux? Because people really keep that memmed (or know where it is in their spell book if they even have it).

Regardless, I'm sorry you died and I'll be sure not to accidentally train/buff you in the future.

Kind regards,

PS: Thanks to everyone sending me messages and letting me know about this post, and the kind words etc.