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Old 12-21-2017, 06:30 PM
Busher Busher is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Mom's Basement
Posts: 168

I've never camped the AC in South Ro, but the one in OOT can be a very rare spawn. The placeholder pops every 6 min and I've spent as long as 14 hours once before Ancient Cyclops pops. I know of people who've spent 16 hours and more, sometimes giving up and never seeing the AC pop. The one advantage imo OOT has is that when it's your turn and your camp, you will get a ring if you stick it out. I've never had the problems about lists and camp ownership some have experienced with that camp and I've probably killed him 40 times or more. The average time for an AC in OOT used to be around 6 1/2 hours. I've not camped him for some time so don't know if anything has changed.