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Old 01-30-2018, 07:17 AM
Xaanka Xaanka is offline

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way too many gay men would have no qualms with fucking a 15 year old though. or would say nothing and not care one bit if one of their friends does. it's at least half of gay men in these libcities, and that's a generous estimation -- reality's probably even worse. participation in, or at the very least tolerance of ephebophilia is the norm in the "lgbt community." way less would actually be the one to fuq a kid, but everyone turns a blind eye to it and you will probably be ostracized or met with hostility if you speak up about it.

noone's cool with pedos tho, i just mean like 15-17yo's.

like lol its true as fuck if you have any exposure to that community and can't admit that u lyin to yourself
morally it's whatever. that age range is legal in most of the world anyways, and it's p much always consensual. europeans prolly thinking its weird that americans think its weird to fuck a 16yo, etc, memes. but it is illegal, our states have drawn the line where they want to for a reason, and if you have a problem with that u should be calling your senator not creeping on highschoolers.

disclaimer: i disagree with this: one could make a reasonable case that the average 15-17yo is probably emotionally mature enough to consent.
and at the end of the day, consensual situations aren't the worst thing in the world. re: Milo's story. i find it gross, weird, and immoral but i'll concede that a lot of times it's not some kind of creepy situation.
but when the norm is not to ask questions it allows a lot of abusive situations involving teens to slip through the cracks. i don't like how it blurs the lines and shifts the overton window either.

gay community's shit and just because gay people as individuals are undeserving of crit doesn't mean the political entity should be safe from it [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Last edited by Xaanka; 01-30-2018 at 07:37 AM..