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Old 04-14-2011, 06:22 PM
jarooneh jarooneh is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 32

I am just amazed that a majority of cool people I played on P99 with are still here with shitheads like you around. WOW!

Yeah, I think I am gonna go play another game in the future for sure. This shit is just dumb as hell and people going out of their way to get others banned?


So let me get this straight...because this is what P99 promotes:

One GM who flies off the handle and makes impulsive decisions based on lack of measurable information who is not paid so everything he does is justified by that reasoning. Yes, that was one long sentence!

Players who maliciously get other players banned

Players who intentionally grief others and stretch rules for their own gain/benefit?

Really? Who the fuck would want to play here. /wave