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Old 03-05-2010, 03:50 AM
celicara29 celicara29 is offline
Large Rat

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by Azenn [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'm convinced doing drugs is like owning a Mac. Half the fun is apparently letting others know about it.

Where would they be without the OOC channel?
Drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs.

Would you mind just shutting the fuck up about your prejudices against a word that can damn near be applied to anything enjoyable?

It's so hilarious to watch you cry about people chatting about drugs while playing a game that is a drug in and of itself. How would you like it for someone to tell you to take your chat elsewhere when you're bragging about loot or talking about how awesome your chosen class is?

Apparently, half the fun in Everquest is talking about Everquest. Moron.