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Old 03-13-2018, 12:28 PM
tnttoken tnttoken is offline

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 140

With the top guild recently declaring war on the leveling guild a new alliance was formed last night. Ronin/Sanctuary, who I will refer to as "Allied Forces" from here on out, decided to form up to kill some mobs and have fun last night! RECAP as follows:

The night started with a little bit of PvP in OT/Skyfire since Apex was heading over to kill Phar Dar in VP. The Ronin force was quickly out-gunned since it was a Monday and Apex had all of their members online.

Sanctuary formed up and headed over to kael to start clearing in preparation of killing Vindi and Ronin massed up and went to join them. While Apex killed PD the Allied Forces killed Vindi. After Apex was done with PD they were heading over to Kael to PVP so the Allied Forces prepared and moved over to the EW/Kael zoneline.

There was a stand-off for about 30 minutes while the Allied Forces sent in hit squads to drop a few people here and there (sorry about the snare Speeddsz).

After a bit Apex decided to head over to Dain to squeeze in that mob before the Allied Forces could kill The Statue of Rallos Zek, but while Apex did Dain they were able to kill statue(even with Apex bringing in people to try and stop it). After statue was down there was PVP that broke out immediately.

Mass PVP started heating up and it was roughly a 50v50 fight that went on for about an hour and a half non stop. There were massive amounts of YTs on both sides and after about an hour it became a war of attrition with people being rez'd back in mid fight and both sides bouncing back and forth to try and get a hold on the zone.

After the massive fight there was a brief lull where both sides were trying to get buffed up and be ready for another go just on the other side of the zone from each other. The Allied Forces realized that Apex was getting reset a little quicker and would eventually force them out so they decided to call the fight there and not commit to another go. Overall the YT count was approximately Apex 31yts(some of them naked kills at bind) and the Allied Forces 24yts (+ or - if I missed some).

After all the fighting calmed down Apex tried to go for a KT kill so a smaller force loaded back in and wiped them on the mob.

All in all it was a fun filled night and the 25-30 Sanctuary bros that have never mass PVP'd before(and some not even level 60) had a blast and showed that they are a force to be reckoned with as well.

Well done all sides!

Last edited by tnttoken; 03-13-2018 at 12:47 PM..