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Old 03-27-2018, 04:31 PM
deniedius deniedius is offline

Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 36

I may get shit for this but I color stun if they are close then low lvl mez and re charm if they have decent HP left. It's good practice to not rely on multiple nukes to finish the fight. Later on running low on mana for me was my biggest issue in holding a camp down. Sometimes you can get a mez off if you are farther away, but it's good practice to get used to color stunning then mezzing and re-charming.

Damn I use mez so much its crazy. I mez to interrupt spells, and mez to chain nuke casters as well. I know there is a regen applied but I don't find it significant...AND you can use it to have your pet regen health faster.