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Old 04-26-2018, 10:11 AM
Nagoya Nagoya is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 674

in my opinion...

if you want to solo pre-40, HP/AC all the way (in this order), then STR.
if you want to solo post-40 (weapons start to proc), HP/AC all the way, then DEX.

if you want to group pre-40, HP/AC all the way, then SVM/STR.
if you want to group post-40, HP/AC all the way, then DEX/SVM, then STR.

note that in all 4 scenarios, having good weapon(s) and good haste is actually #1 on the list.

STA is pretty useless. You see STA a lot (starting attributes etc.) cause in the very high end raiding scene this is what is harder to cap and what warriors work on, but at your level STA is very very worse than raw HP.

STR is somewhat useless. You need enough STR to carry all your equipment, and to hit for max damage often-ish. But you don't need 255 STR at level 30. At your level having something like 150 STR is more than enough. Every point of STR will still marginally add to your dps and aggro generation... but much less than what you'd hope [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

AGI is completely useless. Not sure why you gave it 1 point hehe. We all want AGI to be relevent, but honestly it gives like 1AC for every 7AGI... I am sure you are aware of the under-75 AGI penalty, and having a little above 75 can be nice for when you are encumbered (which can happen with Disempower-type debuffs even if you are careful) so that you don't suddenly drop under the 75 bar. Also to wear a Fungi (-10AGI). But the consensus is still that you should never care for AGI once it's at 75+.

DEX is a linear progression in terms of weapon procs, and weapon procs are your one way to generate aggro (WESS, Frostbringer, Venomous Axe, good old SSoY, etc.) and also your one way to solo as a warrior (Truncheon of Doom, Bloodpoint, Stave of Shielding, Snare whip, etc.) and every single point in DEX raises your proc% chance (there might be a under-75 penalty as well, but this is not confirmed)... this stat is definitely important in my opinion, but most procs are post level 40, with another big batch at level 50. Before that the stat is barely used so you can cap your weapon skills faster, so don't bother so much (even tho you do see a difference in skill-up pace hehe, this is irrelevent everything will be capped at level 40 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.])

As for your direct question (point system to make an excel file and calculate ratios), I understand the madness, I have the same sickness as you, but honestly, just bump into EC everytime you feel like it, or browse the EC Tunnel section of the forum every now and then, and buy the highest HP/AC item you can with your current budget, working on your worst slots... In your exemple, go ahead with either Tree Weave or Crafted BP, depending what's available right now, and go back to fight to save more money for next upgrade. You will see that most items you buy this way will end up having some STR, DEX, AGI, etc. whether you want them or not.

At some point you will want to work on DEX gear, for better procs, and for Resist Gear, for -well- better resists (mostly for raids, but also important in general dungeon crawling). As a warrior you will do a lot of item swapping, and you will carry a lot of situationnal items in your bags.

And more importantly, work on your haste. I am guessing that by now you have hopefully saved for at least an FBSS or SCHW for the base 21-22%haste. If not drop your excel file and work on this hands down. Haste will help you tank better, solo better, survive better than any amount of HP or AC. Also obviously, work on your weapons. Better DPS means better tanking, and mobs dying faster = HP. There are countless threads about warrior weapons on this forum, but long story short for your budget/level: Staff of Battle (2HX, ~500pp), Jade Mace / Crystalline Short Sword or other 1:2 ratio weapons are in the 500-750pp range as well (DW); level 20-49 two-handed weapons like the Staff of Battle will do considerably more damage (tanking) than Dual Wielding.
Nausicaa, Barbarian Warrior of the Wind ♡45♡
Nagoya, Halfling Druid of Karana ♡54♡