Thread: Pathing Sebilis Disco
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Old 05-04-2018, 12:00 AM
Cerate Cerate is offline

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by Heebs13 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Resurrecting this thread because mob pathing at disco in Sebilis is definitely still bugged (and I'm sure it is in other places in Sebs as well, disco is just the camp I experienced this at).

In particular, the pathing inside the room with the frenzied pox scarab spawn at disco is bad. When mobs decide to flee in this room, they will very frequently make a beeline for the south wall. If they reach it, they warp down to the myconid spore area, which will of course cause a massive train if the party does not immediately camp. Pets will also warp down to the myconid area if they are chasing a mob when this occurs.
Re-resurrecting this thread because Heebs has described exactly what happened to my group tonight. Fortunately, I was streaming at the time, and so I've clipped the relevant incident. I've also heard reports of this happening to many other groups over the years. Having a person snare mobs will certainly mitigate the risk (I was using a Silken Whip of Ensnaring in my offhand, but it failed to proc on this particular mob before it ran).

In my video, the frog is meleed to low hp near the corner, when it decides to flee. It walks to a node near the south wall, then appears to keep going through the wall, dropping down on the other side. Most of the group (wisely) decides to camp except for the enchanter who (rather selflessly) decides to wait and mez the room spawns as they pop, as well as his charmed pet. He's aware of the inevitable train, so he waits near the door, and I decided to wait near the bed, out of line of sight. Near the end of the clip, you can see the enchanter (Faux) get wrecked by mushrooms just outside in my combat log (lower left hand chat window).

I hope this helps in your investigations.
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