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Old 08-16-2018, 02:11 PM
Etara Etara is offline

Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 41

Thanks! I did get it on the 2nd go around. Now up to the 4th badge, but now completed this part. I wasn't sure if I was missing something or not. But I did it again based on what I figured it was like, reminds me a lot of the game Othello, except like you said, not diagonal. (I will have to check out your link).

I still however do not understand why that O turned to an X in the book, unless like you said, it was an error. But it did throw me off in that perhaps I was doing something wrong. Shoutout to Fedelma who kept me company while completing this the 2nd try around- I really did not want to have to go through this again (let's hope 4th badge is successful with no hiccups)!

PS, think I can solo the 4th badge on a 56 cleric? Kind of hesitant. Maybe I will play it safe and look for someone to help me.
Etara 60 shaman
Ateria 60 druid
Arlaya 60 cleric
Alarya 52 cleric