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Old 09-11-2018, 10:17 AM
Skuc Skuc is offline

Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 52
Default Change the name.

Paradigm Shifty.


If I did *one* thing for you aholes, then do this for me.

It's like you're dragging the corpse of my ex-girlfriend around everywhere you go.

Yeah it was great for a good, long while; but now it's dead. Stop.

If you still claim to be honorable, consider this for 'ole X. You should want to, anyway.

Or of course leave the server. idc which, but PS has to go byebye. Evil that claims to be honorable is just that much more evil. Kill it.

And if you really believe you're innocent (which would be my guess, knowing you vacuous charlatans), then make a post here detailing why I left. Surely you have nothing to hide.
