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Old 09-17-2018, 08:15 PM
clevergirl clevergirl is offline

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Originally Posted by Baler [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I mean any group of people can be more receptive to foreign ideals. I'd like to offically add that there are radical and non radical groups who's goals are to destroy other countries values and morals. Whether by purpose or inadvertently.

Muslims for example are taught by their holy scripture to convert non believers or kill him.

And I didn't mean to bring morals and good/evil into as it's become. I simply meant moral as a population's generation's of common sense laws and understanding.
I think some people do want to dominate the world with their scripture yeah, and I agree muslims are a primary group of theocratic individuals, and the main concern humanity has to face.

TBQH i think all religion should be a matter of personal belief, and never of law or governance. But that's me. Let the books exist, let people mull over it, but the minute they think they should impose it on another, obliterate them and make a fine example of their insanity.