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Old 10-07-2018, 07:58 PM
clevergirl clevergirl is offline

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 830

Pages and pages of butthurt rethuglican upset even after ya'll got what you want.

Putin divided this country and weakened the faith in it's institutions. It's ripe for revolution no matter which side wins or tries to dominate, someone's going to get killed, and there will be blood, and we will be easy prey for China, Russia, and North Korea.

You people are fucking morons. Dying on the swords of 85 year old white religiocucks ignorant prejudices, played like fiddles.

I only have to post once per day, or once per week in this thread and the chest beating and grand standing you cowards revel in will go on.

Shame on you. You better stand your ground when the shit hits the fan.
Last edited by clevergirl; 10-07-2018 at 08:01 PM..