Thread: PLing question
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Old 10-19-2018, 12:07 PM
Menden Menden is offline
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Originally Posted by poofph [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Is it okay to be in one of the most popular low lvl zones and pull the entire outside to pl someone? In unrest many days in a row this is what is happening.. there are no mobs outside at all up and they keep just pulling everything constantly. People are also complaining in ooc.. this consider "legal"?
I usually ask players that are PLing in popular zones to leave. If they refuse I keep an eye on them and if I see one mob run over another player, I boot them out of the zone or suspend them. It's really shitty to PL in popular zones, especially during peak times. I didn't see any petitions last night about this...

Originally Posted by Pringles [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
If they have over four mobs you can pull out mobs from their kite and they can't do shit about it. Enjoy.

If not kiting to plvl then petition for disruption.
While true, if they die and a mob they didn't kill goes right for you because of social agro, don't blame them.