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Old 05-02-2011, 04:41 PM
Striiker Striiker is offline
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Default SOE Security Breach too?

Interesting read on regarding SOE in light of the Play Station Network breach. This potentially impacts almost all players on P99 as most would have had an account on the SOE systems in order to play Everquest on the live servers. It could involve anything from personal information to credit card data. Please feel free to wildly speculate..

SOE Link

And here's the slashdot link..

"Sony Online Entertainment's various services seem to be down and a message on the official site does not give much information on the particulars. According to a short post on the site, the services were taken down after an investigation revealed a deeper 'intrusion' than expected at first. This is the first we have heard that Sony's MMORPG arm had some sort of security breach. This could be part of Sony's plans to beef up security for the PlayStation Network, but this message seems to indicate that something more serious going on."

Looks like it was already mentioned in Off Topic..
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Last edited by Striiker; 05-02-2011 at 04:45 PM.. Reason: Linked existing article on P99 Forum