Thread: Favorite Zone
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Old 12-14-2018, 04:29 PM
Evia Evia is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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I have a few I really love....
1) Sebilis. The lore is fantastic + its such a well designed dungeon!
2) Crystal Caverns. I also enjoy the lore in this place and the music is incredible. Everytime Im in CC I just get this really good vibes.
3)Surefall Glade. This place has a very cozy, serene feeling to it. Probably the most peaceful starting city.
4)Highkeep. No matter if you're slaying Goblins, Guards or Nobles. Not many zones can support leveling from early 20s until early 50s WITH a bank!
5) The Hole. Arguably the most underappreciated zone. Lore here is top notch and has SO MUCH depth to it! Truly a magnificent zone to explore and crawl through with some good elf pals.

Edit: noticing a lot of my favorites are rooted in a good bit of lore knowledge? Maybe lore is more important to me than I thought...

Kellian Cove (60 Wood Elf Rogue)
Parra Doxx (55 Barbarian Shaman)

“This man is using his mind as a weapon …and woe be tide the creature who
steps into his garden" -Finch

Last edited by Evia; 12-14-2018 at 04:34 PM..