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Old 12-15-2018, 08:51 PM
ScaringChildren ScaringChildren is offline

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Originally Posted by Domo [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
dont want to interrupt your political battle here, but anyone mind to give me some kind of neutral/objectively assessment whats going to happen next with Trump?

As far I understand there is proof (now) that Trump committed 1 or more crimes right? (lying about the hush money or something like that?)

Anyway, what are the most likely scenario to happen next?

Will Trump or the GOP go to court against these accusations?
Will Trump resign to avoid a punishment?
Will a impeachment procedures start?
Will this "he said, she said bullshit" keep going on TV and twitter?
Is it maybe just a "small" crime which dosent matter?

Or maybe something else?

I know its a tough question since something like this dont happen every day, but maybe here is someone who follow this whole story without to many emotion and have a answer/opinion to this.

(sorry about my english, and sorry if I trigged someone with this question)
We honestly don't know.

There's speculation that the investigators have more evidence than just Cohen's word alone, but it's just speculation at this point.

The fact that they're also looking into inauguration spending probably means they want stronger evidence.

If they find evidence, the GOP will argue that campaign finance issues are common and not that big of a deal.

Democrats will try to impeach but the GOP Senate will stop it in their tracks.

Probably the worse thing that'll happen to Trump is that he won't run for a 2nd term. Especially if the economy goes to shit, which it looks like it will.