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Old 01-22-2019, 11:47 AM
ScaringChildren ScaringChildren is offline

Join Date: Jul 2018
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Originally Posted by mickmoranis [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
you used to think black lives matter and Colin Kaepernick kneeling was important, now you don't even remember what the whole point of that even was.

Nothings changed. You just gave up.

how many other causes have you went on and on and on and on about and didn't change.

You forgot about mass shootings it seems you haven't said a thing about them since the last.

It used to be public schools you wanted to fix, do you even remember that? You didn't fix anything.

Never closed Guantanamo, never got us out of Iraq. Never fixed the water in Flint. Didn't stop the pipeline through the Indian reservation.

No new laws that the police have to abide by no new training.

No healthcare. The wall that bush built is still up.

You're beeming with pride your media higher ground has stooped to Foxes level like it is some brilliant tactical move.

Long-dead are the Liberals of Jon Stewart's time.

In 2016 the millennials weren't handed the torch from generation-x, they just took it.

Enter the generation of autistic 27 year olds. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
It's true.

The Left doesn't care about the world around them.

Everything they do, they do to gain as many upvotes and likes as possible. They just want to show the world what a GOOD PERSON they are, in the most narcissistic and fake way possible.

As soon as the limelight has left a topic, they drop their act like a sack of potatoes.

Fake fucks.