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Old 02-01-2019, 02:47 AM
Andakos Andakos is offline
Server Guide

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Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 542

Hadden is campable.

Just because you have the last time of death and login does not mean that you automatically get the camp. If someone is there you should use common sense and see if they are camping Hadden. If they are, then move along and find something else to do. You are free to check back later to see if the camp is open. This is the same as most other camps in outdoor open areas.

In regards to AFK, you are allowed to go AFK for a reasonable amount of time in between spawns as long as you are there when the MOB spawns.

Finally, a word on FTE and camp disputes. When camp disputes are petitioned we are seldom presented with hard evidence. Essentially these are he said she said type petitions. More often than not, staff becomes involved after the fact. This means we are having to weigh the stories of the stakeholders along with any evidence. Server logs do often come into play. If a player or group is flagged for kill stealing it can muddy the waters.
I'm pretty sure my last words will be something along the lines of "Well shit.... that didn't work."