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Old 02-04-2019, 07:35 PM
mickmoranis mickmoranis is offline

Join Date: Sep 2016
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OK so i been listening to this Bannon video, and this take he has on the differences between Left Wing popularism, and Right Wing popularism, is really straightforward and clear. I really think its worth a listen to, he is a smart dude, you may hate him, he may be short and ugly, but he does have good hair and he is a smart dude.

"what right wing popularism is, is basically sticking up for the little guy. He gets a better high paying job, at a better wage, and he doesn't have to compete with the whole world. He has to compete because its an economic entity, but its not flooded either in his home country, or because of bad trade deals with the rest of the world"

that is literally WHY I am maga. That is is it. That is what I see trump fighting for, That's what I see trump winning, and that's what trumps going to do along the border very soon!