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Old 02-18-2019, 06:04 AM
America America is offline

Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 868

Originally Posted by JurisDictum [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Let's talk about FACTS AND LOGIC for a minute here.

Could it be, that there simply is no reason to believe a wall is going to have a notable impact on illegal immigration or crime committed by immigrants?

Any facts or logic all there besides "Welp, walls keep people out."

How about the fact that the vast majority of immigrants illegally here didn't cross the boarder illegally? They overstayed their visas or enter based on asylum right? Well be seeing quite a few of them soon from Venezuela I'm guessing -- since we insist on being so fucking involved.

I have a radical idea here. Maybe this is not some globalist conspiracy to end America. Maybe these guys just don't think it matters because all the evidence points to that conclusion.

So Republicans, bare with me now, just pretend to think the wall is a good idea and that their base is correct. This allows them to be popular while they do other stuff they actually care about. Do you really think Mitch -- I married an Asian Immigrant -- McConnell sees eye to eye with his red neck base?

Attachment 10644

Let's just pretend there is no problem. It's not a big issue for wages, crime, or drugs. None of those things are greatly impacted by walls.

What would you populist Republicans focus on next? Maybe you should start coming up with something.
Now THIS is an aesthetically appealing post. The spacing. The gif. Too bad I didn't read it because it's commie garbage
Last edited by America; 02-18-2019 at 06:05 AM.. Reason: nice attachment embed :o kills longevity of the thread thru quotes. amateurish. use imgur or go home seriously.