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Old 03-11-2019, 10:11 AM
Lament Icarus Lament Icarus is offline

Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 56

Spent some time at this camp over the last few days.

It’s verh doable. I waited around maybe 3 hours or so before I was up on the list. People on the list before you will typically AFK after awhile, and always message them to let them know they’re up if the people before you get their AC or leave. What you’ll find though, is that a large number of the people on the list will have logged off by then, and you’ll have no way of getting in touch with them unless they gave you an alt to message.

This can move you up the list quickly. I got my ring after spending about 3 hours waiting, and maybe 3 hours camping. When I finally got AC, there was no one in the list behind me, so it was free to whoever.

It can be pretty camped with a long list, but if it’s a weekend, just get on the list and do some stuff around the house while you’re waiting. Check in every fifteen minutes or so and see where things are at. It moved quicker than you’d think.