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Old 03-15-2019, 05:49 AM
Pyrion Pyrion is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 737
Default PvP effectiveness of classes, ranked

I did not engage in a lot of PvP yet but i would like the perspective of the more experienced PvPers here what you consider the most effective PvP class.

I think there should be a distinction between top level raid geared and just group geared and maybe low tier geared. Obviously for some classes that makes a huge difference.

My impressions so far:

Top classes PvP:
* SK (gear dependant)
* Necro (not that dependant)
* Rogue (only theoretically, didn't see much rogue PvP yet)
* Wizard

* Druid
* Shaman
* Ranger
* Bard

Chanter (almost everything a chanter does can be easily countered by high MR or rooting pet)
Cleric (same as chanter)
Warrior (needs at least some magic support by clickies or group mates)
Mage (pet is easily neutered)
Paladin (The MR issue again...)

Gear does of course make a difference as i said, especially for some classes that i perceive to be of low effectiveness.

I am sure and i even hope that this will spark some discussion. Maybe i will learn something [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]