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Old 04-07-2019, 03:16 PM
Khaall Drogo Khaall Drogo is offline

Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 222

Some quick Q & A I have gotten so far.

Can I pre purchase Bone Chips/Malachites to summon my pets?
>>>No you can not start the event with anything Besides Bags/Food/Water/Spells. You can sell stuff you have LOOTED OFF A MOB, in Rivervale and buy w.e you want. Do not sell your spells to have money to buy armor/reagents.

Can I make XXX class and YYY race for the event?
As long as the name is reference towards Game of Thrones, you can make any combination of class/race. However being a KoS toon locked inside of Misty/RV/Runnyeye may prove to be quite a challenge in of it self.

Can we work together to win the Prize and split it?
Make alliances, break alliances, kill your friends. Its all about the strategy here and there is one win Scenario. Be the last man standing.

What have I possibly overlooked on starting a character who can win?
Level 1, no XP. Game of Thrones reference Name. Follow the rules and play with intent of following the system set for the event. TURN IN YOUR BOOK OF DISCORD. Be in MT with said toon Before 6 CST Saturday.

What suggestions do you make for me to optimize my chance to win?
Make your Toon early. Get him Bags/food/water/spells. Train him at your trainer (DO NOT ATTACK OR CAST SPELLS TO IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS). Set up your UI. Have a plan. Explore Misty Thicket/runnyeye.

I will gladly answer any other Questions!
[60 Luminary] Khaall Drogo (Barbarian) <The Second Sons>
[52 Cleric] Missandae (Human) <The Second Sons>
[55 Disciple] SaiyanPrince Vegeta (Human) <The Second Sons>
[57 Ranger] Breeann (Wood-Elf) <The Second Sons>
[40 Enchanter] Mellisandra (Human) <The Second Sons>