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Old 04-08-2019, 01:04 AM
Malik_Gynax Malik_Gynax is offline

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 49

One thing I've learned about people in online games from 20+ years of MMOs is that people never feel compelled to respond to global channels. This includes a guild channel.

However, if you address someone directly, you're far more likely to get a response. I definitely fall into this. Let's take the Paineel elevator for example.

Situation 1:
Soandso says in out of character, 'man i died can anyone plz come nad click elevator for me for a cr?'


Situation 2:
Soandso tells you, 'Hey are you downstairs in Paineel by any chance? If so, can you please click the elevator for me? I'm in it now.'

Yes, probably. Mostly because I'm addressed directly. The quality of the text is a hyperbole of how my brain automatically thinks of /ooc people.

It boils down to... if you're saying random stuff in /ooc, you're not addressing anyone in particular and therefore you're not talking to me. If you /tell me directly, you're talking to me and I will feel compelled to respond even if I can't help you.

It's not just begging in OOC either. Another example.

Situation 1:
I'm in Dreadlands killing on north wall on my shaman.
Soandso says in out of character, '42 monk lfg'

I probably just keep killing on north wall.

Situation 2:
Soandso tells you, 'Hey man, want to duo with a 42 monk?'

I probably say okay.

It's an interesting social thing and I don't think that I'm weird in this way, as this mirrors my experience on the opposite end of things. If I /ooc I get no replies. If I message people directly, I get replies probably 80% of the time.

Okay, one last example. Even in settings as small as a group. Say I'm in a group of 6 in MM.

Situation 1:
You tell your party, 'Hey where's everyone from?'

Maybe one guy responds.

Situation 2:
You tell PartyMember1, 'Hey cool sword. What is that?'

Probably responds.

Long post, but something I have actively thought about.