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Old 04-28-2019, 10:05 PM
Alarria Alarria is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 101
Default Enjoying the game as a vet, while playing with a beginner.

Hi all,

Looking for suggestions on how to best to enjoy playing Project 1999 with my wife. She's a fantastic gamer, from classic Runescape, to TES:2 and 3, to ESO, SWTOR, and a lot more. One thing she had never tried was EQ, either in it's heyday or the current game. While I did get her to play live, and we got a couple of chars to 60ish and epic 1.0, it's not the same. I love Project 1999, but I feel like I am hampering her.

Part of it is my own nostalgia, and how I learned to play the game, starting on Tholuxe Paells in 2000 ( I think?). I want her to be able to develop that same appreciation, but since I know like 20 years worth of EQ lore, shortcuts, and just how to play the game in general, I almost feel like she's being rushed and just following me from good questing/grinding area to the next.

We had got an enchanter (me) and a druid (her) to 15, doing some bandits in WK, collecting sashes, etc. I decided however that playing like this is never going to develop a love and deep appreciate for EQ the way it did for me at 20 years old, fucking up and just blundering about and learning the hard way.

We made new chars last night, an Erudite necro for her, a mage for me (human, in Qeynos, although I'd prefer a dark elf, just can't figure out the logistics of playing one while allowing her to enjoy doing some quests and exploring Paineel). I'd love some input, from someone who has played with a beginner as well as how to quest together, train, buy spells etc when you and said beginner are on opposite sides of the world. I do have a 39 druid, which would help with getting her to where I would start if I play a DE, and about 1k plat, but I dont want to twink (other than maybe a decent robe for each for looks).

Thanks for any help!!

Quick Edit: She is great at the game so far, also. No problem figuring out how to make hotbuttons, bind sense heading to a movement key, cast spells, snaring, harmony on the druid to single pull, any of that. We both keep the Wiki open to alt/tab to also.
Last edited by Alarria; 04-28-2019 at 10:06 PM.. Reason: Extra info