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Old 06-15-2019, 03:33 PM
Dwarflord Dwarflord is offline

Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 201

Failure is the best teacher - master yoda

Don't beat yourself up about losing money, its not possible to invest in anything or launch any projects or business's without the risk of losing money.

It hurts, and at some point in everyone's life they will lose money.

But the thing is, when you lose YOUR OWN money, you are going to learn really quick.

When i started my first business i remember walking into the bank trying to get a 5k loan, they basically told me without a plan to pay it back it probably would never happen as suntrust is bad with small business.

Everytime i go there they offer me a 50k loan now but i dont need it, i am liquid.

You seem to be pretty smart dino, start a business ASAP