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Old 06-18-2019, 11:13 AM
fan D fan D is offline
Planar Protector

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downing raid boss Beastagor

im maybe lvl 58 on my rogue and we got a full Holocaust group + 1/2 people doing the VP key piece in KC. I forget what its called, you know the spot.

the fucking named spawns and Beastagor + 1 run our whole mini raid out of the spawn. Most of us plug or die. A few minutes later I log back in and check the spawn and those two assholes are DUO'ING IT. They were killing it slow as fuck, thankfully, but i couldnt believe they had the stones to try and kill the mob and steal my our loot. RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. I was floored. We had to fight back.

a few of us attacked them and they were forced to flee, Beastagor didnt want to plug to a rag tag group of 8 mid 50 walmart geared clowns, so he keeps running from KC to FM to LOIO to Cabilis, that was his plan anyway.

this stupid waddling Iksar is about 20feet ahead of us as we chase him through DL, into FM and then into LOIO. He was ahead of us enough that we would never catch him. I remember Datboom was with me and I forget the rest. It's a 2pm on a wednesday or something.

During the commotion, lil ole lvl 53 Yibz hears whats going on. He is an out of range bard at this point, and a new toon, and Beastagor had no idea this random toon was a bard. So as we go from zone to zone, yibz is about a zone behind us. Once he reaches us and we get him in the group he can selo us and we have a chance

We are about halfway through LOIO coming from the FM zoneline, yibz catches up and we get on top of Beastagor. We start flailing our arms and legs and spells helplessly trying to do anything to stop him. Beast kept running up hills and hitting shadowstep and popping out a few hundred yards away, and each time we'd run up and hurt him a little more. None of us melees could do much damage i think Datboom did most damage.

try as he did, he kept getting closer and closer to Cabilis. It was maybe within earshot when we finally got him low hp. You know the slow movement walk when someone gets below 13% , he was doing it. He got one last shadowstep off and we closed in because he was moving slow as hell. I luckily got the last hit and pierced him for 13 points of damage

the beast was slain. praise was had, people offline were messaging me because the news spread around AIM and other platforms. this gave me some credit and finally my guild saw me a little above the Scarfaces and other shitty epic rogues running around

a few months later at 5am outside Seb I ran into him again , 1 v 1, he whipped on me and I ran into seb but refused to plug, I was trying to sliver away and hide and he ran up and dropped a fatty HT and popped me like a zit.