Thread: Ding Level 60!
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Old 06-24-2019, 07:34 PM
Endonde Endonde is offline

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Originally Posted by Loadsamoney [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Does the leveling really get that bad once you hit 50? Like, which of the levels after 49 are Hell levels? Just curious.

Grats man, I'm about to hit 45 on my Ranger, not looking forward to that one.
It becomes increasingly difficult after level 50, 51-59 are all considered hell levels and are significantly harder than any of the levels before it. Levels 54 and 59 are supposed to be the worst but honestly after 54 every level feels awful.

The worst part about the 51+ grind to me isn't just the total amount of exp required it's the fact that your choices on where to level become pretty limited unless you have the ability to form your own group. Most people in the 50+ level range like to hang out in Karnor's Castle, and Sebilis and if you spend the entire time in those two zones it will bore you to tears. There are other options of course but they are less frequented by players and in general you will have to bring your own group (Places like The Hole, Velketor's, Chardok, Howling Stones just to name a few).

So if you don't attempt to go explore and make your own groups in other places, you will spend more time in Karnor's Castle, or Sebilis than you did in any other zone you leveled in by a very large margin, and it doesn't help that those zones are super boring.
Mr. Irrelevant