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Old 05-19-2011, 05:13 PM
baalzy baalzy is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,860

favorite champ: Katarina, Irelia, Kog'Maw. Used to love Ezreal when his Q would also heal teammates.
highest ranking: None, ranking wasn't implemented when I played this account heavily.

Started a second account when I came back from a break so I could focus on different runes with it and never got it to 30. Haven't played since October I think. Whenever Renekton came out.

Baalzy - 57 Gnocro, Baalz - 36 Ikscro, Adra - 51 Hileric, Fatbag Ofcrap - 25 halfuid

Baalz Less - Humger, Baalzy - Ikscro

If MMORPG players were around when God said, "Let there be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it.
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