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Old 08-19-2019, 12:43 AM
Whyt Whyt is offline

Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 247

Don't regret posting this - it was obviously on your mind and you are reaching out for comfort. The hard times you are going through will pass, but, the only one that can make that happen is yourself. It's not going to be easy nor will it be fun. It's going to take lots of patience, perseverance, and self-awareness. I understand the immersion and the nostalgia of Everquest but have you ever thought that maybe you are ping-ponging between addictions?

I love this game, I really do... but ive found ive grown to love the nostalgia even more... and the funny thing about that is i'll never find those same feelings at 34 that my 14 year old self had when first playing EQ... ... these days I get myself excited to play and then I log on to project 1999 and find that its the same ole same ole, within 30 minutes.. I log off and go about my life as usual. I know too much about the game now.... the mystery just isn't there anymore. Everyone has everything figured out.

I believe you will get through whatever is troubling you - but I would also not hesitate to seek professional help - we only get one life my friend - don't waste it on regret - like our characters in EQ - its time to level YOURSELF up. Good luck to you agentjayd007!