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Old 08-22-2019, 10:54 PM
Halox Halox is offline

Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 117

Originally Posted by rezzie [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Riot called out Aftermath repeatedly for never offering up mobs and being the toxic cock-blockers that always prevent casuals from experiencing content or getting opportunities to learn encounters.

Aftermath responded by offering the top tier ToV mobs every other cycle, calling Riot's bluff. Aftermath's proposal had no conditions or restrictions attached other than Riot adhere to the same standard.

Riot declined, and is currently working behind the scenes to try and find a way to spin their refusal back onto the "Aftermath is bad" narrative they need to paint by deflecting the discussion away from their rapid decline from server heroes to pixel hungry assholes, becoming the beast they once despised.

Riot spent months accusing Aftermath of being gloating, zergling, sore winners who were toxic on RnF. They now appear blind to their hypocrisy and justify their about-face with the reasoning "Yeah but you guys did it too!", while ignoring the fact they were supposed to be better than us.

It was always going to happen but I expected it to take longer than two months.

See you in another 40 pages.
I'm LOLing IRL right now. If you guys weren't getting your asses handed to you repeatedly on a weekly basis you would still be the gloating sore winners. Please just stop. Seriously, stop.

All those people you guys shit on for so long banded together to "git gud" and now you're trying to turn it around and make them look like the bad guys now. It's not working.