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Old 09-13-2019, 04:42 PM
soronil soronil is offline

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 475

Originally Posted by Lojik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Here's my questions: Which zones are we likely to see as their super classic version upon release? For example will we get paineel? Or will we only a necro hut in tox forest? How about the first released version of splitpaw?
For splitpaw, they did not have the data to recreate it as it was on live, so we probably will have the revamped version.

For paineel, good question. Easy enough to disable paineel, but do they have the data to recreate the necro hut with all the needed npcs (i guess they could theoretically just copy them from paineel and paste them in toxx? )
Looks like nilbog was researching this at some point, presumably to get it ready for green:

"Part of my ongoing recreation of p99 is content being accurate even if it has passed on our current timeline. If/when specifics are available, the content is fixed for later. In the event we open another server from the beginning, it behooves us to create on/off switches for those times."

That's in 2013 and they were already making fixes that would never apply to blue but would apply to green... Pretty impressive. Who knows if he ever found the data to add this though.

What is clear though, that even after blue was past something occuring on the timeline, they were still making legacy changes and flagging them for the eventual green, so there will certainly be some suprises.