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Old 09-13-2019, 11:08 PM
gredoo gredoo is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by Endonde [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Silly me was under the impression the incentive to play Green was experiencing classic EQ on a natural timeline.
ain't nothing classic about people farming manastones and beads non stop, knowing exactly when they won't be available, knowing every bug and quirk of eq inside out. That's the nature of having a game people were obsessed enough with to dig through old patch notes, forum posts on the waybackmachine, etc to recreate the game as it was.

Green is just going to end up like Blue because that's what happens when you lock a game that wasn't designed to end.

Realistically you need too provide some incentive to get people to move over and ditch the characters people have dumped insane amounts of time and effort into.