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Old 10-04-2019, 06:48 AM
Tenlaar Tenlaar is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 759

Of the classes you've listed here, I would put the order for easy dungeon play at SK - Shaman - Bard - Druid. The main difference between the SK and shaman is that the SK is going to be able to get around easier, but the shaman will generally have an easier time killing once you're where you want to be and set up. It largely comes down to how heavily you weight group vs. solo play, I think.

SK has a lot of tools for moving around in dungeons safely - both invis and invis vs undead combined with FD and the ability to survive doing things like run through a room with a see invis mob to the hallway on the other side, FD, and re-invis to keep moving. Also has snare to keep runners from being a problem. But the DPS is obviously not going to be great and fear kiting usually isn't an option, so when it comes to soloing it can be slow and painful.

Shaman isn't going to have as easy of a time getting to dungeon spots, only having regular invis, and will have to kill their way past anything that's going to see invis. Once at a camp, though, the shaman is going to be more capable of actually killing the mobs at a good rate when solo. A shaman is especially going to be your best bet (probably only bet, honestly) here for trying to tackle named dungeon camps solo. Plus, the ability to bind yourself outside of a dungeon and gate there when needed for whatever reason shouldn't be overlooked. Huge quality of life perk.

Bard is great in general, and can be really awesome in a dungeon group, but solo it's a lot trickier. You have invis and lull to get around decently well if you're careful (and not unlucky) but the problem is that a bard doing anything solo usually requires one important thing - room to move. Depending on the particular dungeon and camp, you are likely not going to have much room to be mobile and may have to rely on things like meleeing a mob and then using mez while you regen up. At the higher levels charm definitely makes things a little easier, but you're still going to be down in a dungeon without gate, FD, or root. If something goes wrong, most of the time it's going to go "now you're dead" kind of wrong.

Quick edit just to make sure that this point stands out - if going down into a dungeon to solo named camps is something that is important to you, the answer to your question is shaman. Hands down. Great and always valued in any group and by far the best solo ability, likely being the only class you listed capable of soloing named mobs.
Last edited by Tenlaar; 10-04-2019 at 07:02 AM..