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Old 11-02-2019, 06:54 AM
raistlinmejere raistlinmejere is offline
Large Rat

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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 7

I've also been having this "black hole" effect with ALL Character models I've been able to see. I've tried everything I could think of as far as graphics settings go. I believe its server side, seems to me there is a "center" of "gravity" "setting" that controls character models especially. Necromancers ignite bones is a good example, giant creatures shrink to normal size and what happens? The Sprite jumps up and down bk its center of gravity is higher then the skele or cyclops animations. I'm thinking it's something similar on a much larger scale of course. Also, didn't live EQ have a similar problem involving spell effects way back when? Don't quote me on that tho heh
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