Thread: Tough call..
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Old 11-02-2019, 08:46 AM
slowpoke68 slowpoke68 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 235
Default Tough call..

I was reading the thread on whether to add a new server yesterday morning and could see both sides of the argument.

On one hand you don't want to split the player base so you end with one or two ghost town servers down the road. A vibrant and bustling community makes EQ great. Competition for camps and loot is part of EQ. Higher pops make people spread out and go to less popular zones.

On the other hand I created an alt this week and ran through Nekulous one night and barely saw a living mob. I was in Befallen and had a full group sharing one third of a camp. This will only get worse when you hit certain level ranges. By today's standards xp is slooowww and it will be even slower when you are only able to kill a much more limited number of mobs per hour.

One way or the other, I applaud the devs for thinking about this and taking action. I don't know if they did the right thing or not...time will tell. But their action shows their commitment to providing what they believe is the best experience possible for the community.

Again I would like to thank them for their dedication and efforts. This last week has just been a blast and the most fun I have had gaming in years.