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Old 11-05-2019, 09:33 AM
Tecmos Deception Tecmos Deception is offline
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Originally Posted by beel [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Hey, regarding this. I noticed that the mobs on green do differentiate between the type of spell you cast at them initially. I have become used to pulling with tash on blue (like you describe here), but on green it seems to create a lot of agro. Was this changed you think?

For context for those that doesn't know: At least on blue previously, the first spell or hit towards a mob would only get minimal agro, while not build it. Any other hit or spell towards the mob after that initial one will take over the agro. This is good to use as a an enc as you can pull with tash without having to worry about getting beaten on for 3 rounds after, as your tank or pet can easily grab the agro.


As for the original question: I'd suggest not using color flux at all before you have a clicky to reset GCD. You won't get a new spell off before stun wears off anyway, just a ton of more agro and a little less mana.
Not sure the issue with greens and aggro. I haven't played my ench in like a year or more. The second thing is a good tip though. Even after having a clicky to reset gems, I would never use the lowest color stun unless I was worried my longer-cast-time stuns would get interrupted... so I'd fire off flux to set up a longer stun and THEN mez. Not sure if that was really a great idea or not, but it seemed to work for me at high levels in some specific camps.

Originally Posted by Velerin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
How are you guys handling no cycle npc targeting? I’ve been too spoiled on TLPs last few years trying to come back to p 99.
And yeah I’m only level 5 but if I pull with tash. No one is taking agro ever and I’m the tank.
Mouse clicks and moving the camera around and using /tar sometimes.

Maybe they changed initial aggro caps? I don't think so though. I'm playing a sham on green and didn't have problems pulling with slow and other people in the group taking aggro off me easily even while I was also meleeing. At very low levels it might not feel right because you're so low, but I bet by the teens it'll feel correct.