Thread: Camp Etiquette
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Old 11-07-2019, 09:07 PM
cd288 cd288 is offline
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Default Camp Etiquette

Can we talk camp etiquette here? Curious to see what peoples' opinions are on this. Both myself and other players over the past week have seen multiple instances of a duo or trio camping a quite popular lower level camp and refusing to either let others join their group or otherwise split the camp. For example, camps in Blackburrow, or the Karana bandits, or EC/WC Orcs.

Now, I know technically per the rules they have to be willing to split the camp. But my question is more about refusing to let people join the group, even if it's non-hybrid classes. What do you guys think about that? Is that acceptable? When I've asked people refusing to let other people join their group they seem like they legitimately don't think it's rude or greedy.