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Old 11-08-2019, 12:18 AM
Natewest1987 Natewest1987 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 300

tough question. Personally, it would depend most on what content we were doing, how dense the mob count is, and I guess my level in relation to that content. ZEM too. Would I group with a hybrid at a static 6 min spawn in a low zem zone? No. Would I think much about it while in a group that’s chain pulling in unrest? Probably not.

I generally do not seek out hybrids, but if I’m desperate for a group, and happen to land in a group that has a hybrid, it’s whatever. However if I get there and there happens to be more than one, then I’m quietly LFG elsewhere. I’d take a good hard in a duo though, and most dungeon crawls or chain pulling groups