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Old 11-29-2019, 06:21 PM
Doktoor Doktoor is offline

Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Northwest Alaska
Posts: 160
Default Tank/healer combo for now and later?

Hi all,

as soon as I can get two machines up and running, my girlfriend and I will be playing on either green or teal.

I played on live from 2000 to 2004 as a Bard with cleric, mage, and druid alts, played on blue and red as a bard as well.

My girlfriend will be a first-timer so I was thinking of rolling a healing class and a tank.

On past servers, the most I saw was Sham and either warrior or SK. I was thinking of rolling the healer and having my girlfriend tank.

My question is this: I want a class combo that will work for duoing all the way to high levels, but then also be beneficial if we decide to get into the raiding scene.

From what I remember, Paladins, druids, and SKs lose some of their luster later on and warriors become more important, although warriors sort of suck early on.

I'm trying to balance that. I was thinking that it'd be great to have a druid be the healer, but I remember slows being so much more important later on as you level up. Initially I was thinking of going Troll Sham and Ogre War, but maybe SK instead. Was also thinking druid paladin combo as well.

What do you guys think is the best combo for classic for 2 people duoing and possibly grouping with an eye on possibly raiding later on?

And what classes are over represented right now?
