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Old 12-01-2019, 03:40 AM
Vormotus Vormotus is offline
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Originally Posted by jacob54311 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I always thought the agnostic option was pretty ridiculous in a world where magic is a veritably real thing.
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In a sense it is like that but taken with a fantasy setting and we end up with stuff like Pratchett envisioned ...

Where the gods went to break the windows of the only known agnostic of Discworld just to spite him hehe 8)

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So here being agnostic is more like a MEH dont care attitude regarding divine beings more than atheistic beliefs.

EQ lore is quite complex, when you mix the Ethernere in it.

This is the copy paste of Vhalen on the Ethernere>

Death is but a doorway in this universe just as it is in many others. Ethernere is in a sense, an anteroom or vestibule to the realms of the afterlife. Norrathian, Trorsmangling, Cordanian, etc, all souls must pass through this dimension before going on or in some cases, returning. As with most dimensions, the gods have no influence here.[/p] [p]In the past, I have shared information about the little known realm of Ethernere. Here in this limbo, billions of souls can be found waiting to move onward. But there are forces native to Ethernere that have a life all their own, forces that may have existed or may have sprung from the lives that pass through here. These forces have come to claim the universal vestibule as theirs. Chief among these entities is the Harrowing Horde, the guardians of Deathtoll Bell Tower. These forces manage the existence around them and often have created laws that bind souls to the Ethernere for longer than any should be. We Norrathians will all see Ethernere in our time, but will we ever escape it? Most do, but some are held back by the forces of Ethernere.[/p] [p]Are the native forces of Ethernere the only obstruction that may keep a soul from passing on? No. There are powerful entities that can sometimes breach Ethernere and exist for long periods of time, unnoticed by the Harrowing Horde. These invaders come to the gray fields of Ethernere in search of notable individuals whose souls await their afterlife. Here is where such souls can be subjugated far more easily than within the realms of that afterlife.[/p] [p]The subjugation of souls in Ethernere can be performed in numerous ways. The reasons for such captivity vary. The Harrowing Horde has stopped such actions where souls have been used as such things as vaults of knowledge, spiritual batteries and in some cases simply to spite the soul from a glorious afterlife. There are many reasons for soul subjugation and not even the Harrowing Horde has seen them all. Pray to your gods that your time in Ethernere is brief and without complications.

So believing or not does not deter you from an Afterlife in Norrath, so agnostics perhaps do not care for an specific afterlife offered by their racial god for example,
Ikoparu - Necromancer of Bertoxxulous (Green)
Euridun - Druid of Karana (Blue)
Last edited by Vormotus; 12-01-2019 at 04:02 AM..