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Old 12-11-2019, 12:02 AM
Polixa Polixa is offline

Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 175

Originally Posted by Phaezed-Reality [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
you enjoy your eq, ill enjoy mine. I personally do not help people i do not know at 70+ hour legacy item camps not knowing them. lol. I respect you for helping out people who didn't work for their items though, thats on you. I'm just tired of sled dogging after years of it on this project. I won't do it for just any guild and i certainly won't do it for just some random person on the list.
You are perfectly entitled to have that attitude and drop off the list when you notice someone listed ahead of you is a cleric, or a warrior, or only L35, and therefore probably not expecting to solo the Eye.

Not everyone deserves to get a manastone after all.