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Old 12-31-2019, 08:33 AM
Domo Domo is offline
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Default Why is America so prudish? (might contain NSFW stuff?!)

Ahoy da mates.

Before I start I like to say that this is not a hate or political post.
I am just interessted in other countrys cultures, and I like to have dialogs with people from around the world.

(This Thread is not about whats better or worse or anythink like that.)

Anyway, America and Europe have a lot in common, but there are still some small but subtle differences. And one of the diffrence which comes to my mind is that America is more prudish then Europe and I am wondering where it comes from?

I dont really follow the Superbowl, but I remember the "scandal" in 2004 when the american nation saw Janet Jacksons nipple. And I remember thinking to myself "WTF? Why is this such a big story in America?"

Maybe I had this thoughts because I grow up with butter ads which shows tits (NSFW)

But I really couldnt understand (and I still dont understand) why Janet Jackson nipple was such a huge story in america.

I mean we all have nipples, why is such a big thing for you guys? Does it have something to do with the conservative christians in your country? Do people really think that Janet Jacksons nipple would make kids into pornstars or something?

I am sorry if my question or "asking-style" offends someone, I dont mean to (its just my bad english).

Anyway, I have so many questions to this topic but the main question is "why is america so prudish"? (well, maybe its not and Europe or germany is just to permissive /liberal)

P.S. wish you all a good start into the new year