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Old 01-19-2020, 01:41 PM
JickFromTholuxe JickFromTholuxe is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 111
Question Are Verina Tomb and Vessel Drozlin still bottlenecks for Enchanter epic?

Howdy friends,

I have been playing P99 off-and-on since 2012, but I haven't played in over a year now. P99 is my favorite game of all time, without doubt, however I tend to go too hard playing it and have to cut myself off cold turkey. I still resist coming back because I feel I have accomplished pretty much everything I've wanted, with one very big exception...

Jick, my main on Blue, is a re-creation of my old childhood main on the Tholuxe Paells server: a 60 Enchanter + epic + GM JC skill. I finished pretty much my entire Enchanter epic over five years ago, except for the two soul-crushing bottlenecks: Verina Tomb and Vessel Drozlin. I did manage to catch Vessel Drozlin up once, but I died twice trying to solo him before a group got to him. The fucked up non-classic timers for those two spawns were so infuriating and demotivating to me that it has caused me to quit P99 several times.

Now that Green and Teal are live, and how I would need to finish my unfinished business with my Enchanter epic before I even consider starting anew, I am wondering if my chances of finding Verina Tomb and Vessel Drozlin are now substantially improved with the lower population? Are they still considered bottlenecks, or is the population so low now that the mobs can stay up for a long time without a full group logging in on-site within seconds of them popping? Also, have the timers been changed to be more classic?

Since I don't currently play, and therefore have no guild or zerg force, I may want to actually attempt soloing them. I have all the Enchanter spells, some good clickies, and level 60. However, I do worry that if I tried this, I wouldn't be able to get a rez easily. I can only die a few times before I de-level to 59, IIRC. I do not have a machine available at this very moment on which I could run EQ Titanium, but if I knew I could get my epic with only a day or two of work, I would be very motivated to get set back up for playing to come back and "beat" P99 (according to my own personal metric of success).

Has anyone else had to deal with these two bottlenecks after the launch of Green / Teal? What should I expect at this point? Also, I'd love to know the latest tips on soloing them. Thanks in advance!
[60 Phantasmist] Jick
[60 Assassin] Meanbean
[57 Knight] Nicomachus
[54 Channeler] Xenk
[59 Luminary] Problem
[31 Monk] Solution