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Old 03-02-2020, 08:15 AM
drackgon drackgon is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Sipping on Jar of Tears
Posts: 510

SKs are super fun, FD is amazing alone. With a few wps like Lamanation, or Mt2h you can dbl for 80-100 dmg. And fyi I was in banded/bronze all way to 50(by 40 replaced a lot of pieces ie helm/shoulder) But I ended up at 50 with 4 pieces of bronze left. SKs dont do the dmg a warrior or rogue will do. But they have some fun stuff in their kit. Plus one of the few on your list that can solo while waiting on a list to joina group.

My other Vote would be Bard. Needed big time on this server. But they really not melee, yeah lower lvls are you. But mainly your their to twin songs.
Mama Vinelsier Lepermesiah Server 1st 60 Grave Lord(And only The Grave Lord)//Resilak 50 Monk//Tenchi Masaki 50 Wizard//Jaskieer 48 Bard// Heeheehee Teeheehee 57 Mage// Belll Cranel 50 Monkdrackgon 54 rogue, Cuddlezzz 60 shaman
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